In the News

Exclusive London Event at the Israeli Embassy in London

The University of Haifa UK Board of Trustees, co-chaired by Efrat Sopher and Russell Jacobs, hosted the prestigious event for University friends and supporters in England. Attendees were greeted by Mrs. Tzipi Hotovely, Ambassador of Israel to the United Kingdom, had an opportunity to meet Prof. Gur Alroey, incoming University President, and Mr. Gideon Herscher, Vice President for Transformational Philanthropy and Global Resource Development, and were provided with a captivating glimpse into the University’s cutting-edge research in diverse fields: reversing early cancer (Prof. Sarit Larisch, Head, The Cell Death and Cancer Research Lab);  interfaith relations (Prof. Uriel SimonsohnHead, The Haifa Laboratory for Religious Studies); marine conservation (Doctoral student Ole Johannes R. Sørensen, Charney School of Marine Sciences); and empathy as a path for peace (Prof. Ahmed Abu-AkelSchool of Psychological Sciences in collaboration with Sir Simon Baron-Cohen from Cambridge University). MORE ABOUT OUR RESEARCHERS

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