Shira Rotman
Assistant Professor
Department of Medical Imaging Sciences
Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences
Fields of Research
Medical imaging, artificial intelligence, computer vision
Prior to being recruited by the University of Haifa, I was a research fellow at Faculty of Bio-Medical Engineering at the Technion and collaborated with Boston’s Children’s Hospital at the Harvard Medical School.
I received my doctoral degree from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2020). I hold a double first degree (Summa Cum Laude) in Electrical Engineering and Physics from Technion and I am an alumna of the Technion’s Excellence Program.
My research focuses on machine learning, artificial intelligence and computer vision for medical imaging, and specifically on advanced deep learning methods for Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD). My research lies at the interface of two major technological revolutions, namely, advanced medical imaging devices and artificial intelligence, the combination of which has the potential to provide state-of-the-art automatic medical decision tools to assist radiologists in their daily clinical practice. Such automatic tools may revolutionize the radiological workflow and improve its reliability and accuracy, in a manner that will significantly improve quality and accessibility of medical services to patients, both in hospitals as well as in the community clinical settings.
I am the proud mother of three children: Noga (12), Yair (10) and Eviathar (4).
Transforming the Future of Patient Care: Medical Imaging + Artificial Intelligence
“Research at the Computational Medical Imaging Laboratory focuses on integrating state-of-the-art imaging technologies and AI to produce faster, more accurate and robust diagnosis.”
– Prof. Shira Rotman
HU-CoMLab: Haifa University Computational Medical Imaging Laboratory
Lab’s Mission: To harness the enormous potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for daily clinical practice, practices which include providing accessible, accurate and reliable medical diagnostics for the benefit of public healthcare in Israel and worldwide.
HU-CoMLab is currently being established as part of the new Department of Medical Imaging Sciences at the University and aims to closely collaborate with the Unit of Medical Imaging and the MRI Center at Rambam Healthcare Campus, Haifa. HU-CoMLab’s planned location is at the new “Discovery Tower” adjacent to the Rambam Healthcare Campus, with the goal of promoting research and cutting-edge technologies in the field of AI for Computer Aided Diagnostics. Funds are needed for the infrastructure of our new laboratory as a center of excellence and in order to support student research scholarships and travel grants for international collaborations.
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Academic Director of the Clinics for Law and Social Change
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