Institute of Evolution

to address global challenges
The Institute of Evolution (IoE) is a center of excellence for researching evolutionary processes that could lead to breakthrough solutions to pressing global challenges. Researchers at the Institute study plant and animal genomics, evolution, and biotechnology to improve world food security, protect biodiversity and mitigate the harmful effects of global warming.
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The Project
With facilities located in Carmel National Park*, an area of diverse flora and fauna, our scientists study biodiversity and evolution in its natural habitat.
The Institute of Evolution (IoE) was founded in 1977 by Prof. Eviatar Nevo, esteemed evolutionary biologist and Israel Prize laureate (2016). Today, under the direction of Prof. Assaf Distenfeld, the scientific team is engaged in cutting-edge research that spans a diverse range of organisms and cutting-edge scientific methods.
*The Mount Carmel National Park is the only Biosphere Reserve in the Middle East.
Major Research Areas
Plant Genomics, Evolution & Biotechnology: Members of IoE are identifying the genetic basis for the domestication of wild wheat and barley, which can lead to the production of grain supply under harsh conditions (like droughts and salinity) and safeguard global food security. Their research contributed to the landmark discovery of the 10+ Genome Project, which successfully sequenced the genomes of 15 wheat varieties.
Animal Genomics, Evolution & Biomedicine: IoE scientists are investigating the high hypoxia stress tolerance in the Spalax, a blind underground mole rat, to contribute to the development of novel medical treatments and impact the lives of cancer, heart disease, aging and stroke patients.
Ecology, Behavioral Ecology & Nature Conservation: IoE studies focus on plant-animal interactions in seed dispersal and pollination, biomechanical, behavioral, physiological and ecological aspects of flight in birds, bats and insects, as well as microbial interactions in the ocean, in order to improve our understanding of how climate change will affect the region.
Fungi /Algae Diversity, Biotechnology & Biomedicine:
Israel faces enormous challenges in protecting, managing, and exploiting its natural environments in a sustainable manner. IoE focuses its research on the diversity of lower plants, including soil fungi, algae, cyanobacteria, and lichens, which have not yet been sufficiently studied in Israel.
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics: Geonomic analytics is being used by IoE scientists to map traits of interest in plants and animals and to determine the genomic basis of adaptations (e.g. adaptations to different latitudes in a circadian clock and adaptations in the social organization of ants) in order to enhance personalized healthcare and drug discovery.
Photo Credit: Nitzan Zohar