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UofH joins the global alliance of universities and sustainability networks around the world addressing sustainable development goals

University of Haifa submitted its Sustainable Development Goals Report to the United Nations as part of its commitment and shared vision to support environmental and social sustainability research and education. Our university is the first in Israel to commit to focusing on the UN’s 17 SDGs through research, teaching, public engagement, and operations.

Access to new data compels us to become active partners in global efforts that confront the major challenges facing humanity and our planet. By fostering shared language and steering institutional and individual decision-making, we aim to develop solutions to improve the health of our planet and reduce poverty, hunger, and discrimination. Our goal is to promote a shared language and steer institutional and individual decision-making so that solutions can be found to improve our planet’s health and reduce pollution poverty, hunger, and discrimination. Our living laboratories on Mt. Carmel, the city of Haifa and near the sea will contribute to global understanding and positively impact future generations. – Rector Gur Alroey

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